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Smartican is a cool way to discover interesting videos, pictures and thoughts from people around the world. Users can easily upload whatever they find interesting, meet people through their interests, or just stumble upon new and interesting content that they wont easily find anywhere else.

Find the latest and happening content from around the world and share your favorite videos/pictures/posts/music with your friends on all social platforms.

Over 4.5 million people use Smartican to:

*Explore what the world is talking about.
*See never seen before pictures of Exotic places around the world.
*Get feeds of only what is relevant to you.
*Express yourself with text, images, gifs, videos, music, games and much more..
*Get access to Celebrity news & gossip before anyone else.
*Share what you like with everyone.
*Watch entertaining shows exclusively available on Smartican.
*Find new videos in comedy, fashion and sports.
*Become famous.
*Start discussions on things that matter to you.
*Meet and chat with interesting people.